Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 1868

This is another beautiful day. The sun is almost as warm as Summer!
I have got the blues to day, I think, for I feel very dull for all the fine weather.
Melia is iorning.
I have nothing to do to day but look at the folks passing by, and that, I think, is rather dull, for I don’t see very many.

Ana went over to Jane Harper this morning to get some milk.


Niece Notes: Celia's spelling is generally excellent considering her social status in that era, but there are two words that she consistently misspells: iorn for iron and moping for mopping.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday, March 30, 1868

I am just able to get around again after being sick 7 weeks to morrow!
This is a beautiful day. Melia is washing. I am trying to work a little. I am Crocheting an edge on some tapestry forward [?] for Mrs. Harper. I have got it almost done.

Mr. Briggs came for Maria yesterday.


Niece Notes: As for the shift in dates, I just realized that 1868 was a leap year. Very handy--now we're right on sync!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 1868

This has been a beautiful day. The sun has shown all day clear and nice. Mrs. Houchen was up a little while to day. They brought us up a rooster for our old one froze to death.
Melia and Rob have both been to Church.
I feel some better, I think, but I don’t know. I think I came very slow.

Maria had to go away to day. Mr. Briggs came for her this afternoon.


Niece Notes: Celia's recovering at last! Also, I've noticed that there seems to be a shift in dates. I don't know why or whose mistake.