Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday, July 31, 1868

Well, this has been a day of little disappointment, for it has rained most all day, and we were intending to go to a picnic, but the rain was needed very much, so we ought not to complain.

We had chicken for supper, and about 5 o’clock, Henry and Add came up to have Annah cut some pants for Floyd, and Annah and made them this evening.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday, July 30, 1868

This has been a beautiful day after the rain! George went down to the salt works this morning, and when he came back, I got in and went home with him to go to a picnic at Swan Creek to morrow.
Annah went visiting this afternoon up to Mrs. MacCarty’s. Cad is almost sick with a hard cold.
It is raining this evening quite hard.

I made Ellie a pair of drawers to day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday, July 29, 1868

This has been almost a rainy day. It commenced to rain about noon and it continued to rain most all the afternoon, and we had some very sharp lightning.
I done the iorning this forenoon and this afternoon I finished Ellie’s dress. Add made bread and done the sewing.

Henry was by in his hay until it commenced to rain. He has Edwin MacAlf to help him through haying.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 1868

A very pleasant day, but warm. I have been sewing for Add to day, making Ellie a new dress.
Henry is buying the hay Field. He is mowing in the orchard.
It rained quite a shower this morning, but has cleared of again.
We had company this afternoon: Mrs. Sarah Swartout and Mrs. James Swartout.
I made some jell cake this afternoon. It was real nice.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday, July 27, 1868

A good day—cloudy and quite cool, but it is very smoky. I don’t know what makes it, but I guess the woods are on fire somewhere near.
Add washed to day, and I have been doing the work. We baked bread.
Henry is helping Mr. MacLean cut his wheat to day and Floyd has been growing in the orchard.

I have been writing a letter to send out home. I begin to want to see home again now.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday, July 26, 1868

This has been a nice day. We went up to Sabbath school at one o’clock and was going to stay to meeting, but the minister was not there and so there was no meeting.

Mr. Brown and Mr. Ball was up to day. Mr. Brown went up to Sabbath school with us, and in the evening we all went to a brick concert at the brick school house. It all went of very nice. There was a good many out, and it was very interesting.