Saturday, October 31, 2015

Friday, October 30, and Saturday, October 31, 1868

Friday, October 30, 1868
This has been a warm day, but very windy. We straightened up the front room, putting down carpet and setting things in order. We got it all finished before dark.
David has been here twice to day. The boys are both out at John Mendham’s to day. Dave wanted to get Rob if he had been at home to help him draw stocks to morrow.
I wish Mrs. Shepherd would send for me to go to work with [?] her [?].

Saturday, October 31, 1868
This has been a rainy day, and rather cool. We have been doing a little of everything to day, baking and moping. Rob is at work for Mr. Riley to day, digging a cellar under his house. Will and father have been cleaning up wheat.
David has been here to day.

Rob came home this evening. Will has gone down town. I wanted to go to day, but it rained, so I could not.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 1868

And still another pleasant day. Melia and I finished papering to day about noon, and in the afternoon we went down town and got the bordering. We got 20 yards, and it was 2 cents per yard. We got back soon enough to put it on before dark.
Maria did not come, as we expected. Last night she sent word by Rob that she was to stay 2 weeks longer.

Rob is at John Mendham’s to day, and so is Will.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, and Wednesday, October 28, 1868

Tuesday, October 27, 1868
This has been a very cloudy day, but warm. Melia iorned this forenoon, and I made some pumpkin pies, and in the afternoon we tore off the old paper in the front room and got ready for papering and put on 4 sheets of paper.
Pa went to a raising this afternoon to Jim Hotens. He raised a new barn.
Rob is at work for Mr. Briggs to day, and Will is at John Mendham’s.

Wednesday, October 28, 1868
This has been a pleasant day, but not quite as warm as yesterday. Melia and I have been papering to day, very steady. We got all the upper part done and some on the bottom—better than we expected.
We expect Maria home to night or in the morning to stay a few days.

Rob is at work at Mr. Briggs. Pa has been doing some plastering in the village to day for Houchen and for Dick Sorden.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Saturday, October 24; Sunday, October 25; and Monday, October 26, 1868

Saturday, October 24, 1868
This has been a cloudy, windy day, but not so very cold. We moped and baked this forenoon, and in the afternoon Melia and I went down town and got paper to paper the front rooms. We got it to Mr. Arms. We got 7 rolls. They were 35¢ apiece, double rolls.
Rob has been to John Mendham’s, husking. Will and Pa have been packing stones. Rob came home to night and brought a letter from Add.

Sunday, October 25, 1868
This has been a very warm day, and smoky. I guess it is the first day of Indian summer.
We did not go to Church this morning. Maria came up about noon, and staid till night, and then went back.
Billy went up to John Menham’s to night. He is going to husk corn there this week. He took his pistol this morning to Isaiah Stevens.
Rob went to church at commerce this evening.

Monday, October 26, 1868
This has been another nice Indian summer day. We washed a large wash this forenoon, and this afternoon I finished Clara’s new dress, and Melia fixed an old one of hers over.
David was here a few minutes this afternoon. Rob has been helping him to day.
Pa went to the village this forenoon to pay for his corn sheller.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday, October 23, 1868

This has been another cold day. Our folks finished drawing in their turnpikes to night.
Melia and I have been at work on Clara’s dress. We have got it almost done.
Rob is up to John Mendham’s.
We pared apples and made cider appel juice this forenoon.
David was here this morning.

It begins to look wintry enough the leaves are most all off the trees.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 1868

Well, this has been a cold, cloudy day, and windy. Melia and I went down town to day to see Belle Tour. She has got her tickets. Mine drew 500 envelopes, 1 ream of writing paper and ladies’ portomoine [?], but I did not want them, so I sent for a breakfast shawl.

We commenced Clara’s dress this forenoon and carried our soap down cellar.


Neice notes: Belle Tour was an activist in Michigan who later started up Michigan's Red Cross division. Her clubs and speeches were elaborate and fun to attend!