Wednesday, November 25, 1868
This has been a stormy, disagreeable day. It has snowed and rained most of the day. There is a dance at our new hotel this evening. We are not going, any of us.
Melia and I have been sewing on our dresses to day. I cut the waists this forenoon. We are making them fan waist style, goring the skirts and ruffling them.
Thursday, November 26, 1868
This has been a pleasant day, after the stormy one yesterday. Melia and I finished our dresses, except the braid and the buttons, and we have them to get yet.
We had Turkey for dinner to day, as it was Thanksgiving day.
Mr. Lyon came here this afternoon and is going to stay all night with us.
Will has been helping Mr. Stevens thrash this afternoon. Rob has just got home.
Friday, November 27, 1868
This has been a nice day. We have had thrashers here this afternoon to thrash the buckwheat. They got 30 bushels. We only had them to supper. Melia and [I] went down town this afternoon to get the braid and buttons for our dresses.
Mr. Lyon started for home this morning about 9 o’clock.
I called at Mrs. Chappel to day. She invited me to a quilting next week.