Thursday, March 31, 2016

Wednesday, March 31, 1869

This has been quite a pleasant day. I moped and baked bread this forenoon, and this afternoon Clara and I went up to see Melia. Found Serene quite smart.
David Kirk has been at work up clearing up the road out by our place.
To day I got some gear up to Melia.
To day Rob has been at work for Mr. Riley to day, cutting some tinker for his new store there that he is going to build this spring.
Pa went to mill to day.

Neice Notes: “Mr. Riley” was most likely Charles Riley, who owned a hardware store in Milford.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tuesday, March 30, 1869

This has been a dull, cloudy, and rainy day. It rained most of the forenoon, but it has cleared of again to night. I iorned and baked pies this forenoon, and this afternoon did not do much of anything.

The boys have been chopping wood to day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Saturday, March 27; Sunday, March 28; and Monday, March 29; 1869

Saturday, March 27, 1869
Another spring day. The snow is almost gone. It seems so good to have it warm and pleasant, but it is dreadful muddy.
I feel disappointed again to night. There is another circle to Mr. Chappel’s to night, but we could not go, it is such bad walking. Rob and Will have gone down.
Pa has been down town most of the day. He got some sugar. It is 14¢ per lb.

Sunday, March 28, 1869
This has seemed more like a summer day than any other. We have had a thunder shower about noon, and then it cleared of and was real warm.
John came for Melia this morning before we was up and said Serene was sick, and so Melia got right up and went back with him.
Maria came up a little while.
Rob and Will and C. and I and Maria went down to Mr. Chappel’s to a circle, and it rained all the evening, so Rob brought us home with a horse and carriage.

Monday, March 29, 1869

This has been a very pleasant day. I washed and got my clothes dry. I wish I knew how Serene is to day. It will make it so hard for Melia if she is much sick! I think I shall go up and see how she is to morrow if it is pleasant. The snow is almost all gone, and it seems like rain again to night. It rained all night last night, and the wind is awful!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Friday, March 26, 1869

This has been another warm day. The boys have been drawing some hay home from Mr. Goss’s to day for the debit he has owed them so long.
It is awful muddy now and it is raining again to night.
Rob has gone home with the horse this evening. They borrowed Mr. Chappel’s, for one of theirs is lame.

I have been at work straightening out that hair that I combed out last spring after my sick spell.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Tuesday, March 23; Wednesday, March 24; and Thursday, March 25; 1869

            Tuesday, March 23, 1869
            This has been a very warm day, and the snow is disappearing fast. I baked pies this forenoon and this afternoon done the iorning and wrote a letter to Add.
            Melia came home this afternoon to see if I was going to the party, but I did not feel well enough to go, so she would not go either. She is going to stay all night. I have the tooth ache to night.
            Wednesday, March 24, 1869
            This has been another warm day. Melia went back again this morning. She said she would be back to night to stay at home the rest of the week, but she has not come. I guess they are not well, some of them.
I feel very much disappointed to night. I intended to go down to the circle this evening, but It is so muddy I could not. Rob and Will have gone down.

Thursday, March 25, 1869
This has been a spring day, I think without doubt, for it is very warm and the snow is disappearing fast. Melia is home. Jim fetched her this morning. She is going to stay the rest of this week.
It has commenced to rain this evening.

I have been doing a little of everything to day. I commenced a long gab [?] this afternoon, that is, straightening out some Hair that I have combed out of my head.


Neice notes: The "gab" Celia refers to on March 25 was a popular tradition among nineteenth-century women in the area. After brushing their hair, they would wash and treat the hair that came out on the brush and store it in a small basket. Later they used the hair to add volume to their hairstyles without teasing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sunday, March 21; and Monday, March 22; 1869

Sunday, March 21, 1869
            This has been a splendid day. Melia and Maria both came home to day! Maria went back to night. Melia is going to stay until morning. Melia and Maria and Clara and I, and the boys, went down to Mr. Chappel’s to a circle and had a nice time indeed. There will be another Wednesday night, and I hope it will be so that I can go.

            Monday, March 22, 1869
            This has been a stormy day, or part of a day. It snowed all the afternoon. I washed this forenoon and baked bread.
            John came for Melia this morning.
            I feel about sick to night with a cold. Everybody is complaining of colds now!
            Rob went down town this afternoon. He brought an invitation to a party to Mr. Sherwood’s to night.
            It is William’s birthday party. He is of age to day.

Neice Notes: I’m not entirely sure if this is William Weaver or a possible William Sherwood.