Thursday, May 28, 1868
Well, it has cleared of very pleasant. I am with Nellie, yet she wanted me to stay with her. Mrs. Shepherd has just removed into her new shop. I went over to her shop a little while this morning, and I got me a new pair of fine shoes and a brown silk parasol. The shoes was 3 dollars and the parasol was 50¢.
Mr. Rang [?] brought me home to night in his carriage. Nellie came home with me.
Friday, May 29, 1868
Well, this has been another wet day. It commenced to rain this morning about 7, and then rained until about 2 o’clock, and then cleared of.
I have only 2 days to spend at home before I start for Saginaw! It don’t seem hardly possible. I dread to Go, but I must try and bear up, hoping it is for the best.
I have been trimming an under waist to day.
Neice Notes: Celia's oldest sister, Elizabeth Adeline ("Add"), lived in Saginaw with her husband Henry and their children. I've been in contact with their descendants who still live there and were also researching the family at the same time--it was pretty neat! A one-way trip from Milford to Saginaw took about a day in 1868.