Wednesday, December 2, 1868
This has been a cold, windy day. I went down to Mrs. Chappel’s this morning to help tie a comforter. Melia and Maria came down in the afternoon. We finished it all up and had a pleasant time. Rob and Clara came home in the evening.
Rob hired out to Mr. George Vowels to day. He is going Sunday night.
Thursday, December 3, 1868
This has been a pleasant day. We have been very busy to day making sausage. We made about 20 pounds.
Just as we are eating dinner, Mr. Andrews came up to see if he could get a hired girl, and Maria went.
The men folks have been plastering for Mr. MaCain to day. My tickets came all right to night.
Friday, December 4, 1868
This has been a very cold, windy, stormy day. Melia and I started to go down town this afternoon to get ready to send out our tickets. We got as far as D. Stevens to see her, and then it commenced to snow so hard that we turned around and came home.
Father went to mill this afternoon. The boys have been setting fence posts for Mr. Riley.
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