Saturday, January 31, 2015

Friday, January 31, 1868

Friday. No warmer. Maria came this morning. Will is better, the Dr. says, but he is quite sick. It is snowing some this morning and we are having beautiful sleighing.

I have been doing a little of everything today. I have got my apron most done. I guess I shall have to sit up again with Will again tonight.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Thursday, January 30, 1868

This has been a very cold day, but for all the cold, Henry’s folks came from Saginaw. Pa went to Holly for them. We was up all night with Will. He is quite sick. The Doctor came to see him this evening. Said it was a severe attack of fever.
We expected Maria today but she has not come. It has been cold!


Niece Notes: Henry is the husband of Celia's oldest sister, Elizabeth A. ("Add"). Maria is Celia's best friend.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wednesday, January 29, 1868

Wednesday. A very pleasant day, but it is very cold. To night we have been doing a little of everything. To night Melia worked and refilled a straw bed and fixed up our rooms. Ma went to the City. Mr. Hastings was here this morning to dinner. The boys chopped some wood for him. We retired at half-past 9 and arose at 7 this morning.


Niece Notes: Melia (short for Amelia) is Celia's twin sister and my great-great-great grandmother. Mr. Hastings is a man from town. "The boys" are Will and Rob, Celia's older brothers.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tuesday, January 28, 1868

Tuesday. Not a very pleasant day it seemed all the forenoon but it was warmer in the afternoon. Pa started for Holly this morning at 8 o’clock. I have time to work on my apron. This evening Bill went to see Mrs. MaCain to get some medicine for his wrist, [which is] not very well. Went to bed at 9. Wrote this morning at ½ past 6 o’clock.


Niece notes: Holly is a nearby town. Bill is the younger of Celia's older brothers. Mrs. MaCain is a woman downtown who knows all sorts of herbs and medicines.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Monday, January 27, 1868

Monday. A beautiful, sunny day. We washed to day, as usual. We got through at noon, and after we eat our dinner there was 2 peddlers arrived, and we had to get supper for them, and we bought several things. I got me a cloud [diary?] 

Cousin Tom came and put up the blinds. They was one dollar and 10 cents. Went to bed at 9 o’clock and wrote this morning about 7.