Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday, November 30, 1868

This has been Another cold day, but not quite as cold as yesterday. We washed this forenoon, and this afternoon I cut out piece work.

Rob has been down to the village to day to get some time [?] to plaster Mr. MaCain’s house. Father has been getting ready to kill hogs to morrow. Mother is about sick to day with chill and fever. Will bought a new pair of snow packs to day. They were $300 [?].

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 1868

This has been a cold, windy day. I did not go to Church this morning. I staid at home and answered Add’s letter. I wrote that I could not go. I was very sorry I had to say so, but I don’t see how I can possibly go.

This fall we all went down to the Chappel’s, except Pa and Ma and Billy. They had a circle there. We had a pleasant time indeed. Old Pete the Indian spirit came.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday, November 28, 1868

This has been a stormy day. It has rained and snowed all day. We have moped and baked this forenoon, and this afternoon Melia and I finished our dresses, and this evening we finished Ruth’s album quilt. We have made 50 blocks!
The men folk have been cleaning up their buckwheat to day. The boys went down town this evening.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Wednesday, November 25; Thursday, November 26; and Thursday, November 27, 1868

Wednesday, November 25, 1868
This has been a stormy, disagreeable day. It has snowed and rained most of the day. There is a dance at our new hotel this evening. We are not going, any of us.
Melia and I have been sewing on our dresses to day. I cut the waists this forenoon. We are making them fan waist style, goring the skirts and ruffling them.

Thursday, November 26, 1868
This has been a pleasant day, after the stormy one yesterday. Melia and I finished our dresses, except the braid and the buttons, and we have them to get yet.
We had Turkey for dinner to day, as it was Thanksgiving day.
Mr. Lyon came here this afternoon and is going to stay all night with us.
Will has been helping Mr. Stevens thrash this afternoon. Rob has just got home.

Friday, November 27, 1868
This has been a nice day. We have had thrashers here this afternoon to thrash the buckwheat. They got 30 bushels. We only had them to supper. Melia and [I] went down town this afternoon to get the braid and buttons for our dresses.
Mr. Lyon started for home this morning about 9 o’clock.

I called at Mrs. Chappel to day. She invited me to a quilting next week.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 1868

This has been another very pleasant day. We iorned, and Melia and I commenced our new dresses. Father has been up to Mr. Ferigon’s making a cistern for him. Will has been husking corn for J. ___. Rob is up to Mr. Briggs, husking.
We have had callers again to day.

Clara went down town this afternoon to get tea and sugar.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Sunday, November 22, and Monday, November 23, 1868

Sunday, November 22, 1868
This has been a splendid day, but I have not been anyplace to day. I wrote a letter to Ruth and I ought to have written one to Add, but I hardly know what to write, for she wanted me to write when I would come. I cannot tell whether I can go or not. I want to, but guess I can not get ready to go this ____.
Rob has been at home to day. He did not go to Church to day.

Monday, November 23, 1868
This has been a very pleasant day. We have washed. We washed this forenoon, and in the afternoon Melia and I got ready and went down town. I sent for my tickets. I sent for 20.

We have had several calls to day. Rob went up to Mr. Briggs to day to help him finish husking corn. Billy and Pa have been sawing up wood.