Sunday, January 31, 2016

Saturday, January 30; and Sunday, January 31; 1869

Saturday, January the 30/1869
This has been a cold day. The rain had turned into snow before morning, and it snowed most of the day. Melia moped and baked pies.
Will went down town the morning and did not get back until evening. He got a letter for Clara from Cad Hubbard.
I feel quite well. I have been sewing all day. I have got my blocks all sewed together, so I shall have to piece them now.

Sunday, January the 31/69
This has been a very pleasant day. The snow is all gone that came yesterday. Maria and Rob both have been here a little while to day. Maria could not stay long, for Mrs. Andrews was sick. Serene Mendham was here this afternoon to see if she could get Maria to work for her next month.
Will and Clara and Melia have gone down to a circle to Mrs. MaCain’s.

I wrote to _____ this evening.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday, January the 29/69

A stormy, dull day. It has rained all the afternoon, and still it rains.
I feel real smart to day. I have commenced to set my quilt together. It looks very pretty.
Melia baked pies to day.
We have no water in the well yet. We have to melt ice for water all the time.
Nellie Stevens went to Saginaw this morning on her tour. She is going to live in Detroit!


Neice Notes: Tour = Honeymoon

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wednesday, January 27; and Thursday, January 28; '69

Wednesday, January the 27/69
This has been a dull, cloudy day. I feel pretty well. I have been sewing some to day. We expected to have seen the eclipse this evening, so we could not.
Melia baked pies and iorned to day.
I am taking my iorn again to day and get a little strength. I feel so weak!
Mary Stevens was here for a little while this forenoon. She came to get some Myrtle. I guess they are going to have a word to us.

Thursday, January the 28/69
This has been quite a pleasant day, and I have been a great deal better. Mrs. Houchen and Lyda have been up here to day to make a visit. They came up about 10 o’clock.
Nellie Stevens was Married this morning to ____ Laughry, and they have a large party there this evening! We were not invited, any of us.
Old Mr. Padly died yesterday very suddenly of heart disease.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 1869

This has been a cold day, but no snow yet.  The ground is all bare except some banks.
I feel quite smart to day.
Melia washed to day.
Clara went down town this afternoon. She got a letter for me from Floyd. They are all well. She went out to see Maria.
Rob is at New Hudson yet.

Mr. Galliger is here this evening. He come to settle with the boys for work they had done there some time ago.

Neice Notes: Floyd is Add's husband.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday, January 25, 1868

This has been a nice day, but very cold in the morning. I feel some better to night. I have set up all day to day. Maria and Melia went down town this afternoon. Maria went back to day. She bought her a new dress to day. It was [a] shilling per yard. Old Mr. Wilder died this morning at 7 o’clock. Is to be buried to morrow.

Niece Notes: This is the last entry in the journal itself. After she ran out of space, Celia used ordinary sheets of paper to record her entries and packed them in the pockets in the back of her journal.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Friday, January 22; Saturday, January 23; and Sunday, January 24; 1869

Friday, January 22, 1869
This has been a very warm day, so they say, but I don’t know much about it, for I have had a very sick day. It seems as though I would die for a little while; I had so much pain. I was taken in [the] morning with fainting, but I am thankful I am a great deal better to night.
They sent for Maria, and she came up. Mary Houchen came up to spend the day, but I am not able to.

Saturday, January 23, 1869
This has been a windy, cold day. I feel quite smooth to day, better than I expected I should. Maria is here to day. She thinks she will stay until Monday. I set up part of the day, but I feel very weak.
Maria is helping Mother make Pa pants. Billy is a good deal better. We expect Rob home to morrow to stay until night.

Sunday, January 24, 1869

This has been a very pleasant day. I feel some better again to day. I think Rob came up to day to see us. He got here about noon, but he has gone back again to night. Melia and Maria have gone up to Mr. Phillips to night. They are going to have a circle there to night. They went up in a load.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 1869

This has been a delightful day. The sun has shone clear and bright all day. It has thawed a good deal.
Just as we set down to dinner, Rob drove up to the door. He had to come to town, so he thought he would drive up down. Melia and I rode with him. We spent the afternoon to Mrs. Sheppard’s. Had a pleasant visit.

I got my paper that I sent for and a circular from Ross ____.