Thursday, April 7, 2016

Monday, April 5; Tuesday, April the 6; and Wednesday, April 7, 1869

Monday, April 5, 1869
Quite a pleasant day. I washed this forenoon, and Cad did the iorning this afternoon. I made some more seart [?] this afternoon.
Rob and Will have been at work for Mr. Riley this forenoon, hewing timber for his store, and this afternoon, they have all gone to town meeting.
Pa got Clara a new pair of shoes. He gave 20 shillings for them.

Tuesday, April the 6, 1869
This has been a cold, windy, and stormy day. We had quite a snow storm this afternoon. I went over to Jane Harper’s this afternoon to take home the book that I borrowed of her.
The boys have been at work for Mr. Riley again to day. Rob came home about sick to night with a cold.
Mr. William Foote came up and took Will’s hay that he had to sell. He gave him 7 dollars for it.

Wednesday, April 7, 1869
Oh, what a day of wind this has been! It has blew a gale all day, but Clara and I went down town this afternoon. We got a letter from Annah. They are all well.
We went over to Maria and she came over on the street with us and bought 2 pounds and ¾ of cotton yarn, so now I have got some work, and she also got 1 yard of linen for Rob’s shirt linen. It was 1.25 per yard. The yarn was 45¢ per lb.

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