Friday, March 25, 2016

Tuesday, March 23; Wednesday, March 24; and Thursday, March 25; 1869

            Tuesday, March 23, 1869
            This has been a very warm day, and the snow is disappearing fast. I baked pies this forenoon and this afternoon done the iorning and wrote a letter to Add.
            Melia came home this afternoon to see if I was going to the party, but I did not feel well enough to go, so she would not go either. She is going to stay all night. I have the tooth ache to night.
            Wednesday, March 24, 1869
            This has been another warm day. Melia went back again this morning. She said she would be back to night to stay at home the rest of the week, but she has not come. I guess they are not well, some of them.
I feel very much disappointed to night. I intended to go down to the circle this evening, but It is so muddy I could not. Rob and Will have gone down.

Thursday, March 25, 1869
This has been a spring day, I think without doubt, for it is very warm and the snow is disappearing fast. Melia is home. Jim fetched her this morning. She is going to stay the rest of this week.
It has commenced to rain this evening.

I have been doing a little of everything to day. I commenced a long gab [?] this afternoon, that is, straightening out some Hair that I have combed out of my head.


Neice notes: The "gab" Celia refers to on March 25 was a popular tradition among nineteenth-century women in the area. After brushing their hair, they would wash and treat the hair that came out on the brush and store it in a small basket. Later they used the hair to add volume to their hairstyles without teasing.

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